2023-10-27【新聞稿】2023 第五屆台灣跨性別遊行開走,走出一段跨性別的路 【Press Release】 2023 The 5th Taiwan Trans March Set Off on a Transgender Journey

【新聞稿】2023 第五屆台灣跨性別遊行開走,走出一 段跨性別的路


20231027日晚間,第五屆亞洲最大夜間跨性別遊行,在西門町開走。台灣同志諮詢熱線 協會(以下簡稱本會)連續舉辦五屆的跨性別遊行,去年(2022),參加遊行人數已經多達3,000 人,今年預估會有更多人一起為跨性別發聲。

今年遊行的主題為:「自在同行,走出一段跨性別的路。」跨性別遊行走到今年已經第五個年頭 ,但跨性別者生活上仍然受到大大小小的困難。例如:使用廁所時遭受到質疑、求職過程被拒 歧視和被性別錯稱等。一再的顯示性別二分的社會導致跨性別者在生活上受到無數的壓 力。本會也持續透過陪伴、教育與倡議等方式改善跨性別者的社會處境。我們邀請所有支持跨 性別議題的朋友和曾在二元性別框架中感到不自在的人參與,共同在遊行中展現最真實的自 我,超越性別界限。
此次也是跨性別遊行首次加入來自企業的協力夥伴,長期關注且重視 LGBTQ+ 社群的 ActivisionBlizzard 和 King表示:「驕傲(Pride)對我們至關重要,它是我們對遊戲表達熱愛的 一種方式。」,公司旗下遊戲不僅提供全球數百萬的玩家史詩級的樂體驗,更讓他們在充滿 歡樂和團結的世界認識自己。
同樣長年支持LGBTQ+社群的台灣吉立亞醫藥(Gilead)經理彭國書則表示:「為了更了解跨性 別族群,我們曾邀請熱線的志工分享跨性別族群面臨的困境,這也讓我們更加相信企業應該 打造共融的職場環境,讓多元個體都能被理解與尊重。很高興這次可以帶領台灣與其他國家 的同事一起來參加遊行,用行動表示支持!」
除了來自各界的同行夥伴,本會同樣邀請到跨性別者分享他們的真實故事。跨性別小組的義 工芯妤將分享南部辦公室的跨性別工作,DevenAlice分享身為跨性別者在職場和醫療現場 的處境。公開出櫃的跨性別演員Miya也將分享他的故事。同時,來自各領域的支持者如新北市 鷺江國小的翁麗淑老師會分享如何在校園談論跨性別議題,促進社會大眾對於跨性別議題的 關注。也有長期為跨性別發聲的台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟與非二元酷兒浪子的夥伴,以及來自 國際的支持,來自荷蘭的2023年國際皇后小姐(Miss International Queen):Solange Dekker、 和蒙古同志中心的執行長 Enkhmaa Enkhbold,一同上台喊話聲援跨性別的權益。
表演活動的部分,則有變裝皇后飛利冰於遊行開走前氣勢開場,下半場由去年的表演嘉賓黃 小愛將二度站上跨性別遊行舞台,展現支持跨性別社群的決心。公開出櫃的跨性別樂手 Rachel將與P!SCO樂團於帶來壓軸演出,以自己的音樂作品對台灣跨性別社群打氣!
遊行結束後,當晚還有一系列活動:如同志酒吧「Locker Room」,將舉辦「挺跨派對」,憑指定 跨性別小物可享入場半價優惠;Driftwood西門町(臺虎西門)店有跨性別主題趣味活動和跨 性別調酒;破曉咖啡舉辦「T&N Party 跨性別/非二元派對」;Grey Area將舉辦結合派對和表演 的「Q Point」。這些活動提供了多樣的場合,讓支持者在遊行後繼續交流與慶祝。
本會要邀請跨性別和支持跨性別議題的朋友,待透過這場遊行,搭配來自各界的支持和鼓勵, 共同為跨性別群體發聲。邀請曾經因為二元性別框架而在生活中感到不自在的人,以及所有 想要自在做自己的人,在1027日晚上用彼此最舒適的樣子一起加入遊行行列。大家都是這個繽紛社會的一份子,讓我們一起同行,跨越性別框架,走一段讓所有人都能自在且安心的 路,讓世界變得更多元美好。

新聞聯絡人:陳威竣 0962076876
18:30 遊行集合
18:35 上半場節目開始 18:50 扮裝皇后飛利冰表演 19:30 隊伍出發
20:30 隊伍回舞台
20:40 下半場節目開始 21:00 黃小愛表演
21:10 P!SCO樂團表演

【Press Release】 2023 The 5th Taiwan Trans March Set Off on a Transgender Journey


The 5th Taiwan Trans March will kick off in the vibrant streets of Ximending on the evening of 27 October 2023. Organized by the Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ+) Hotline Association, this parade has been a monumental celebration for the past five years. In 2022, a remarkable assembly of up to 3,000 participants graced the occasion. As we look ahead to this year, we anticipate an even more substantial turnout to rally behind the transgender community.

The theme of the march is “Walk Tall, Walk Proud: Your Transgender Path Awaits!” As we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Taiwan Trans March, it is essential to remember that despite the progress, transgender individuals in Taiwan still encounter hurdles in their everyday lives. From unwarranted scrutiny when using public restrooms to discrimination in job applications and the persistent struggle with being misgendered, these challenges persist. The gender binarism binary gender system continues to pressure the transgender community. Hotline is committed to enhancing the social conditions for transgender individuals through dedicated support, education, and advocacy.

Besides, notable corporate support this year underscores the significance of LGBTQ+-friendly workplaces. “Pride is essential for us as a means of expressing our passion for gaming,” noted Blizzard Entertainment Taiwan. In a groundbreaking collaboration, companies that have long championed the LGBTQ+ community, such as Activision, Blizzard, and King, joined forces with us for the first time. The remarkable games crafted by these partners offer not only millions of players worldwide an epic entertainment experience but also create a world teeming with joy and unity, allowing individuals to explore their true selves.

Furthermore, Mr. Peng, the general manager of Gilead Sciences Taiwan Branch, a long-standing LGBTQ+ ally, expresses, “To learn more about the transgender community, we’ve invited volunteers of Hotline to our office to share the challenges faced by the communityGilead recognizes the importance of fostering an inclusive workplace environment where all individuals are not only understood but also respected. I am thrilled to lead colleagues from Taiwan and worldwide in this parade, demonstrating our unwavering support through tangible actions.

In addition to allies from various sectors, Hotline has also invited transgender individuals to share their stories. Xin-Yu, a Hotline volunteer, will report on the endeavors of the Hotline’s southern office on trans advocacy. Volunteers Deven and Alice will talk about their experiences as transgender individuals in the workplace and healthcare settings. Besides, publicly came-out transgender actor Miya will also share their story. Meanwhile, we have both domestic and international support from different fields. Weng Li-shu, a teacher from Lu Jiang Elementary School in New Taipei City, will discuss how to address transgender issues on campus and raise public awareness. Comrades from Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR), Taiwan Non-Binary Queer Sluts, Solange Dekker, the Miss International Queen 2023 from the Netherlands, as well as Enkhmaa Enkhbold, the executive director of the Mongolian LGBTQ+ Center, will take the stage to voice their support for transgender rights.

As for the performance after the march, Fei Li Bing will open a draw queen show, followed by Xiao-Ai Huang, last year’s performer, demonstrating their dedication to the transgender community. On top of that, Rachel, an openly came-out transgender musician, and the P!SCOe band, will give the closing act, uplifting the transgender community in Taiwan.

Furthermore, there will be several after-parties. Attendees of the “Trans Empowerment Party” held by the gay bar Locker Room will enjoy a half-off discount on admission with any Trans March merchandise. Driftwood Ximending (Taihu Ximen) will have fun activities with the transgender theme and offer transgender-style cocktails. The T&N Party (Trans and Non-Binary Party) will be held at Daybreak Coffee. Grey Area will host The Q Point, a party with performances. These events will provide diverse opportunities for supporters to continue connecting with each other and celebrating after the march.

The Hotline Association invites transgender individuals and allies to participate in the march. With support and encouragement from all walks of life, we can collectively speak out for the transgender community. We’re inviting anyone who has ever felt ill at ease with the gender binary system and everyone who wants to be themselves. On the evening of 27 October, join the march in the way you feel most comfortable! We are all members of this brilliant society. Let’s take a walk on which everyone can be at ease and at peace to break gender frameworks together, making this world more diverse and beautiful.

On the road to equality, let’s walk together in freedom!

Date: 27 October 2023 (Friday)
Venue: The Red House Square in Ximending (Near the Ximen MRT Station, Exit 1) Media Contact Point: The media tent on the left-hand side of the stage
Media Contacts: Wei-Jun Chen (0962-076-876)

6:30 PM - March Assembly
6:35 PM - First Half of the Program
6:50 PM - Opening Performance by Drag Queen Fei Li Bing 7:30 PM - March Begins
8:30 PM - March returns to the Stage
8:40 PM - Second Half of the Program
9:00 PM - Performance by Xiao-Ai Huang
9:10 PM - Performance by P!SCO Band
