2020台灣跨性別遊行事後新聞稿 主題:「鬥陣來去跨」
本次遊行的主視覺由怪奇事物所Incrediville設計;包括行政院政務委員唐鳳、網路名人Alizabeth 娘娘和酸六、藝人小A辣,以及臉書和Instagram粉絲專頁街頭故事,都分別以錄製影片、親自參與遊行或協助宣傳的方式,表達對跨性別遊行的支持。
Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association
2020 Trans March Press Release
Trans With Us
On the evening of Oct. 30, the day before the 2020 Pride Parade, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association organized the second annual trans march in the history of Taiwan and East Asia. The theme of the march was “Trans With Us” meaning that anyone who tries to defy the binary gender roles regardless of their identity and appearance can be part of the trans community.
Before the march departed from the Taipei Cinema Park, we invited a few speakers to come on stage to address the crowd gathering at the venue. The General Secretary of Hotline introduced the organization's work on trans issues and encouraged collaboration between disadvantaged groups. Tom from Hotline's Kaohsiung office spoke of trans people's situations in the society by referring to his own life experience. Guo Mama from the Loving Parents of LGBT in Taiwan shared that her child had just completed surgery and changed their legal sex successfully, encouraging all transgenders to love themselves.
Over 1,500 people passed through the busiest streets of Ximending where pedestrians were drawn to stop and watch the march. Participants of the march included trans and non-trans people, gorgeously dressed drag queens, student and social groups, as well as people with disabilities.
As the march returned to the Taipei Cinema Park, more speakers were invited on stage to share a few words. Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights announced a lawsuit plan to allow legal sex being changed without surgery. A Thai YouTuber in Taiwan, Alizabeth, said that she thought she was a gay man when she was in Thailand, but after moving to Taiwan and coming across information about transgender that made her realize her trans identity. At last, Taiwan Non-binary Queer Sluts promoted their new book and gathering to tell people that there non-binary people are not alone in this country.

照片提供:Amoxil Wang