2022-03-17 22:00
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-100 臺北市羅斯福路2段70號12樓
熱線與臺北市政府性別平等辦公室共同舉辦,邀請了來自ILGA World、Rainbow Cities Network的代表,將分別從國際倡議、地方政府和NGO的角度去討論如何透過公私協力的模式推動跨性別權益,營造跨性別友善友善城市。
- Dr Chamindra Weerawardhana (Senior Consultant, ILGA World)
Title : Building government-NGO relations: Perspectives from international advocacy 建立公私合作連結-從國際倡議觀點談起 - Pan (Pan-Chen Lo) (Lecturer, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association)
Title : Addressing transgender issues with government departments: Public-private collaborations in Taiwan transgender rights advocacy 與政府部門共同推動跨性別議題-臺灣跨性別權益倡議公私合作經驗 - Grace Proch (LGBTIQ Officer of the City of Hanover, Chair City of the Rainbow Cities Network)
Title : Gender diversity & public services: Successful collaborations between municipal governments & advocacy groups 性別多元及公共服務-地方政府與倡議團體間成功合作經驗 - Ching-yi Yeh (Researcher, Office for Gender Equality, Taipei City Government )
Title: Challenges to make policy design with non-binary thinking: Taipei’s experiences 以非二元思考制定政策之挑戰-臺北經驗
-100 臺北市羅斯福路2段70號12樓
電子郵件: hotline@hotline.org.tw